Graph Pruning

Graph Pruning Linter helps manage the cleanliness and efficiency of your GraphQL schema by running various checks on the schema. When enabled, the lint check will be performed on every check operation of that namespace.



    • Identifies and lists all fields that are not being used in the schema.


    • Detects fields that have been deprecated but have not yet been removed from the schema.


    • Identifies fields that were deleted without being marked as deprecated beforehand.

Rule Configurations

Severity Level

  • Error:- If any configured rules are violated, it causes the check operation to fail.

  • Warning:- If any configured rules are violated, they are flagged as warnings, but they don't cause the check operation to fail.

Grace Period

This is the time period provided to the fields modified on schema publications, allowing time before enforcing these rules during checks.

Schema Usage Check Period (Enterprise only)

  • This is the time period used to check the usage of the field.

  • For non-enterprise customers, the value is determined by the limits imposed on the organization according to its current billing plan.

How to configure graph pruning linter

  • Navigate to the Lint Policy page on Cosmo.

  • Select the namespace.

  • Enable the graph pruning linter.

  • Configure the linter rules:

    • Check the checkbox to enable each rule.

    • Select the severity level (Warning or Error) for each rule.

    • Set the grace period for fields that are modified upon schema publication, allowing time before enforcing these rules during checks.

    • Configure the schema usage check period (available only for enterprise customers).

Last updated