Here you can see all available environment variables of the Control Plane.
Check the WunderGraph Cosmo repository for a default configuration.
Environment variable | Description | Default | Required |
HOST | The host of the server | localhost | |
DATABASE_URL | The connection URL of the database. | postgresql://postgres:changeme@localhost:5432/controlplane | |
PORT | The port on which the controlplane runs. | 3001 | |
ALLOWED_ORIGINS | The controlplane url. | ||
LOG_LEVEL | Configures the log level. | info | |
DEBUG_SQL | Configures the logs of SQL. | false | |
CLICKHOUSE_DSN | The connection URL of clickhouse. | "" | |
AUTH_REDIRECT_URI | The authorized redirect URLs. | http://localhost:3001/v1/auth/callback | |
WEB_BASE_URL | The URL of studio. | "" | |
AUTH_JWT_SECRET | The JWT secret used for verifying and signing JWTs. (32 characters) | "" | |
OPENAI_API_KEY | The api key of OPEN API | "" | |
KC_LOGIN_REALM | The realm of the login credentials. | "master" | |
KC_REALM | The keycloak realm of your Client. | "" | |
KC_CLIENT_ID | The keycloak client ID. | "" | |
KC_ADMIN_USER | The admin username. | "" | |
KC_ADMIN_PASSWORD | The admin password. | "" | |
KC_API_URL | The URL to your keycloak API endpoint. Used internally for administration. | "" | |
KC_FRONTEND_URL | The public URL of your keycloak instance. Used for redirects. | "" | |
WEBHOOK_URL | The endpoint to which you want to fire platform webhooks | "" | |
WEBHOOK_SECRET | The secret key to verify webhook requests | "" | |
DB_URL | Postgres connection string | "" | |
DB_CERT_PATH | Path to certificate file | "" | |
DB_CA_PATH | Path to the CA file | "" | |
DB_KEY_PATH | Path to the private key file | "" | |
GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID | GitHub App client id | "" | |
GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET | GitHub App client secret | "" | |
GITHUB_APP_ID | GitHub App id | "" | |
GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY | Private key of your GitHub App | "" | |
GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Webhook secret of your GitHub App | "" | |
SLACK_APP_CLIENT_ID | Slack app client id | "" | |
SLACK_APP_CLIENT_SECRET | Slack app client secret | "" | |
S3_STORAGE_URL | URL to your s3 storage provider (either include credentials or use S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) | "" | |
S3_REGION | The region to be used for the s3 bucket. | "auto" | |
S3_ENDPOINT | The endpoint to be used falls back to url.Origin. | "" | |
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access key id for the bucket. (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) | "" | |
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Secress Access key for the bucket. (AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) | "" | |
S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE | Used to enforce path style url resolution. | true | |
SMTP_ENABLED | Enable the smtp integration | false | |
SMTP_USERNAME | Smtp username | "" | |
SMTP_PASSWORD | Smtp password | "" | |
SMTP_PORT | The port the smtp server listens to | ||
SMTP_HOST | The host to connect to | "" | |
SMTP_SECURE | Defines if the connection should use SSL | ||
SMTP_REQUIRE_TLS | Forces the client to use STARTTLS | ||
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY | Stripe secret | "" | |
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Stripe webhook secret | "" | |
DEFAULT_PLAN | Based on your custom plans, the name of the default plan | "" |
Last updated