
Namespaces allow you to group and/or isolate different instances of the same federated graph. This is useful for managing multi-stage deployment pipelines with separate deployment environments, such as development, staging, and production. Every federated graph has a default namespace to which all graph instances are published unless otherwise specified. To specify a namespace other than the default, supply the --namespace or -n parameter when executing WunderGraph Cosmo CLI (wgc) commands.

Create Graph in default Namespace:

wgc federated-graph create my-wundergraph

Create Graph in production Namespace:

wgc federated-graph create my-wundergraph --namespace production

Resources created in one namespace can be moved to another.

Move Graph to production Namespace:

wgc federated-graph move my-wundergraph --namespace default --to production

Note that a namespace must already exist before resources can be placed therein. Attempting to place resources into a non-existent namespace will give rise to an error indicating that the provided namespace could not be found.

Namespaces reduce the complexity of using Labels to isolate resources in different environments.

Labels and Namespaces serve complementary but distinct roles in organizing and managing resources within WunderGraph Cosmo.

  • Labels allow for flexible, declarative composition of federated graphs by letting you specify which subgraphs to include when composing;

  • Namespaces are used to group and/or isolate federated graphs and subgraphs, often in different environments, such as development, staging, and production.

Leverage both Namespaces and Labels to allow for flexible and dynamic composition of your federated graphs while protecting against accidental composition of graphs from different environments.

Creating Namespaces

Create new namespaces for your organization using the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI namespace create command. To create namespaces in your organization for production, staging, and development environments, execute the commands below.

Create Production Namespace

wgc namespace create production

Create Staging Namespace

wgc namespace create staging

Create Development Namespace

wgc namespace create development

Namespace names must begin and end with an alphanumeric character; with the exception of dashes (-) and underscores (_), no other special characters are allowed.

Listing Namespaces

List all namespaces for your organization using the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI namespace list command. By default, the list of namespaces in your organization will be displayed in a table. To format the output as JSON, supply the --raw or -r flag when executing the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI (wgc) namespace list command. To persist the output (as JSON) to the file system, supply the --out or -o parameter when executing the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI (wgc) namespace list command.

List Organization Namespaces

wgc namespace list

List Organization Namespaces (JSON -> Console)

wgc namespace list --raw

List Organization Namespaces (JSON -> File)

wgc namespace list --out "./namespaces.json"

Renaming Namespaces

Already existing namespaces can be renamed. To rename an existing namespace for your organization to a new name, use the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI (wgc) namespace rename command.

Rename Existing Namespace

wgc namespace rename my-existing-namespace --to my-new-namespace

Deleting Namespaces

Delete a namespace for your organization using the WunderGraph Cosmo CLI namespace delete command. Note that deleting a namespace will delete all resources within it; use caution--only administrators and the creator of a namespace can perform this action. Upon executing the command, you will be prompted for confirmation that you wish to proceed. To force the execution without confirmation, supply the --force or -f flag when executing WunderGraph Cosmo CLI (wgc) namespace delete command.

Delete Namespace (Requires Confirmation)

wgc namespace delete my-existing-namespace

Delete Namespace (No Confirmation)

wgc namespace delete my-existing-namespace --force

Last updated