
Configure webhooks for events that occur in the platform. This page covers platform events

If you want to refer organization webhook events, check the docs here


To enable webhooks, you can configure WEBHOOK_URL and WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variables and you will start receiving the following events.

Platform Events


Triggered whenever a user registration is successful.

  • user_id: The unique identifier of the registered user.

  • user_email: The email address of the registered user.

Sample Payload:

  "version": 1,
  "payload": {
    "user_id": "1234abcd",
    "user_email": "user@example.com"


Triggered when graph migration is initiated.

actor_id (optional): The identifier of the actor initializing the migration

Sample Payload:

  "version": 1,
  "payload": {
    "actor_id": "user5678"


Triggered when graph migration succeeds.

  • federated_graph: An object representing the federated graph details.

    • id: The unique identifier for the federated graph.

    • name: The name of the federated graph.

  • actor_id (optional): The identifier of the actor initializing the migration.

Sample Payload:

  "version": 1,
  "payload": {
    "federated_graph": {
      "id": "graph123",
      "name": "MainGraph",
      "namespace": "default"
    "actor_id": "user5678"


To ensure the webhook data is coming from a trusted source and hasn't been tampered with during transit, we employ HMAC signatures. When setting up a webhook, you provide a secret. This secret is used to compute a signature that is sent along with each webhook request.

The header containing this signature is X-Cosmo-Signature-256.

Verification Example

To verify the webhook request, you need to compute the HMAC signature on your server and compare it to the signature in the X-Cosmo-Signature-256 header.

Here's an example in Node.js:

import crypto from 'crypto';

function verifySignature(body, receivedSignature, secret) {
  const computedSignature = crypto
    .createHmac('sha256', secret)

  return computedSignature === receivedSignature;

// Usage:
const isVerified = verifySignature(JSON.stringify(req.body), req.headers['x-cosmo-signature-256'], YOUR_SECRET);

Last updated