Request Headers Operations

The router allows users to operate on the request headers.

Forward HTTP headers to subgraphs

Forwarding specific client headers (request headers) to your subgraphs is a straightforward process. By default, no headers are forwarded for security reasons. To enable header forwarding, insert the following snippet into your config.yaml file and adjust it according to your needs.

# config.yaml

# See
# for the full list of configuration options.

  all: # Header rules for all subgraph requests.
      - op: "propagate"            # Forward a client header
        named: X-Test-Header       # Exact match (Use the canonicalized version)
      - op: "propagate"
        matching: (?i)^X-Custom-.* # Regex match (Case insensitive)
      - op: "propagate"
        named: "X-User-Id"
        default: "123"             # Set the value when the header was not set
      - op: "propagate"
        named: "X-Test-1"
        rename: "X-Test"           # Rewrites the header from X-Test-1 to X-Test
      - op: "set"
        name: "X-Custom-Header"
        value: "my-required-key"

    specific-subgraph: # Will only affect this subgraph
        - op: "propagate"
          named: "Subgraph-Secret"
          default: "some-secret"

What does the snippet do?

With all we address all subgraph requests. Next, we can define several rules on the client's request. The operation propagate forwards all matching client request headers to the subgraphs. The operation set sets a new header which is forward to the subgraphs.

The subgraphs section allows to propagate headers for specific subgraphs. The name must match with the subgraph name in the Studio.

Supported header rules

Currently, we support the following header rules:

  • propagate - Forwards all matching client request headers to the subgraphs. You can choose between one of the following matchers:

    • named - It exactly matches on the header name.

    • matching - Regex matches on the header name. You can use to test your regexes. Go to the website and select Golang on the left panel. Note: The Router never propagates hop-by-hop headers (such as Connection) when propagating by regex.

    • rename: Replaces the identified header based on its name or matching criteria and transfers the value to the newly specified header.

    • default: Fallback to this value when the named, matching or rename header could not be found.

  • set - Sets a header on the request forward to the subgraph. You must set the following values:

    • name - The name of the header to set

    • value - The value to set for the header

Go canonicalizes headers by default e.g. x-my-header to X-My-Header. Write your rule accordingly or use (?i)^X-Test-.* flags to make your regex case insensitive.

Default value

You can also define a value when the client header is not set by the client. Can only be used with the named matcher.

      - op: "propagate"
        named: "X-User-Id"
        default: "123"

Rule ordering

All rules are evaluated in the order they are defined.

Please inform us if you have more advanced use cases that cannot be accommodated with the current feature set. You can still use Custom Modules to implement any logic yourself. You can aggregate, remove, or add headers as you like.

Last updated