
Retrieves the changelog for a monograph


npx wgc monograph changelog <name>


The npx wgc monograph changelog command allows you to retrieve the changelog for a given monograph. By default it fetches the latest 10 schema versions from the past 3 days and writes to changelog.json file.


  • <name>: The name of the monograph you want to create. Replace <name> with the name of your monograph.


-n, --namespace : The namespace of the monograph (Default: "default").

-l, --limit: The number of entries to fetch. Defaults to 10.

-f, --offset: Used for pagination. Sets the offset from which you want to query.

-s, --start: The start date in MM-DD-YY format. Defaults to 3 days ago from current date.

-e, --end: The end date in MM-DD-YY format. Defaults to today.

-o, --out: The destination file for the json output. Defaults to changelog.json


npx wgc monograph changelog production -s 08-15-23 -e 08-31-23 -o changes.json

Fetch first 10 changes from 8th August to 31st August for the graph production and write it to changes.json file.

npx wgc monograph changelog production -s 08-15-23 -e 08-31-23 -l 10 -f 10 -o changes.json

Fetch the next 10 changes (after the ones in the previous example) from 8th August to 31st August for the graph production and write it to changes.json file.

Sample output

    "createdAt": "Fri Sep 15 2023 21:25:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)",
    "schemaVersionId": "4f46116d-b307-4bf4-8d24-1974e794819d",
    "changelogs": [
        "id": "2b1db820-6f93-42ac-80a2-b0f5a8d765f3",
        "path": "ProductNames",
        "changeType": "TYPE_ADDED",
        "changeMessage": "Type 'ProductNames' was added",
        "createdAt": "Fri Sep 15 2023 21:25:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
        "id": "0aaf1f49-2fb9-4528-85e4-f4b4b3c671ae",
        "path": "Employee.products",
        "changeType": "FIELD_ADDED",
        "changeMessage": "Field 'products' was added to object type 'Employee'",
        "createdAt": "Fri Sep 15 2023 21:25:26 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
  ..more versions

Last updated