
Fetches the latest valid SDL of a monograph. The output can be piped to a file. This is primarily used for debugging purposes


npx wgc monograph fetch-schema <name>


The npx wgc monograph fetch-schema command allows you to fetch the latest valid Schema Definition Language (SDL) of a monograph from the Cosmo platform's control plane. You can use this command to retrieve the SDL and, if needed, pipe the output to a file.


  • <name>: The name of the monograph you want to fetch. Replace <name> with the name of the monograph you wish to retrieve the SDL for.


  • -n, --namespace : The namespace of the monograph (Default: "default").

  • -o, --out : Destination file for the SDL. Prints to standard output if not provided.


npx wgc monograph fetch-schema production

Fetch the latest valid SDL of the monograph named "production."

npx wgc monograph fetch-schema production -o production-schema.graphql

Fetch the latest valid SDL of the monograph named "production" and save it to a file named "production-schema.graphql."


  • The npx wgc monograph fetch-schema command interacts with the Cosmo platform's control plane to fetch the latest valid SDL of the specified monograph. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to perform this operation.

Last updated