Disable Feature Flag

How to disable a feature flag.


Disable (deactivate) an existing feature flag within the specified namespace (or the "default" namespace if unspecified). A feature flag is a group of one or more feature subgraphs. Each feature subgraph represents a replacement of a specific base subgraph that composes a federated graph.

Minimum Requirements

PackageMinimum version


If feature-flag disable is used when the feature flag is already disabled, no changes (nor errors) will occur.

wgc feature-flag disable my-flag

The alias for feature-flag is ff.

Note that unless specified by the --namespace parameter, the namespace will be automatically passed as "default".


  • <name>: The name of the feature flag to disable. Returns an error if the feature flag does not exist in the specified (otherwise "default") namespace.


  • -n, --namespace : The namespace of the feature flag (defaults to "default"). Returns an error if the feature flag does not exist in that namespace.


Enable the existing feature flag "my-flag" in the namespace "prod":

wgc feature-flag disable my-flag -n prod

Last updated